Friday, July 6, 2018

156Days 5 month and 3 days.

Worked out Chest and Triceps today.  3 exercises per Body part....

Major break thru today with Donna.  Not too sure about Emma, but definitely Donna when it comes to money and budget.  Our hope is that every Sunday we do a Budget meeting with all of us.

Donna is going to sit thru the first YNAB Seminar.  Explaining the 4 principals.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

157Days 5 month and 4 days.

Fasted 17 hours today and lifted Back and Biceps hard.  Woke up this morning and thought I looked really old today.  Hair really white and my face is JOWLY....  Donna gains weight and she looks more and more like Sophia Loren....

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

158 Days 5 month and 5 days.

I went off the rails starting Friday Night.  Beer and food.  This lasted until today.  Dinner out Sat and Sunday a visit to Brigantine.  

Trying to stay positive.  Last week WAS a great fasting week and I dd have two 24 hour days.  I lifted 3 times and I did do my 30 minute walks.

I made a break through with Donna and Emma on the pressure I feel with the budget.  Not a big one, but one that made them aware.  I hope to be able to develop more conversation.

Friday, June 29, 2018

161 days 5 months, 8 days excluding the end date

I fasted 23 hours since yesterday.  Woke up and lifted Shoulders.  Should I stop drinking after 3:00 to see if I EVER can sleep through the night and not get up to pee?  Good week for having the Dec 7th date slap me in the face everyday.  It's Friday so it's a short blog, but a blog none the less!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

162 Days 5 months 9 days.

Weight 264.2 Down .8 from last weigh in.

I needed to clear my head and put somethings in order.  Donna and I HAVE to get a handle on this budget and money.  It is crazy and I can't do it by myself. 

I lifted yesterday and was surprised how much I felt it.  I didn't walk Yellow Dog because it was raining.  Oh, back to clearing my head.  I wanted to get a walk in w/o so I could hit it hard.  It was a combination of my initial 30 minutes and Linda called to go over losing Angela and I hit it another 30 minutes for a combined 1 hour walk with 3 miles completed.  I, of course, will be taking Rox out for at least 30 so we don't lose our momentum.

I'm only going to have OMAD today.  Just not hungry.  Really slow at work  Chalking it up to 4th of July.

Shoulders tomorrow.

163 Days -- or -- 23 Weeks and Days

Starting off the morning post with first road block.  Emma and Kevin came down from NYC to do the Yankee's vs Philly's game.  Phillie's lost 6-0  Sorry Uncle Johnny.  I didnt really sleep well and woke up at 7:30.  Kevin O'Connor was sleeping in my basement so I got a late start to lifting. Need

14:54 so far on fasting.  Need to do at least 16 hours.
I lifted Back and Biceps today and will HOPEFULLY walk yellow dog 30 minutes.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

164 Days -- or -- 23 Weeks and 3 Days

Yesterday I screwed up the calendar.....
That has been corrected.
I meditated for 5 minutes and then blew it by fighting with Donna.
I fasted yesterday for 23.30 hours.

Walked Roxy in the park for 38 minutes.  She loves to go on a W.A.L.K.!!!!
As of right now I just completed 20 hours of fasting.+
3:43 and I've fasted 22 hours so far.
I turned down the opportunity to have beers with a Friend with the intention of not going off the rails.  AS I AM WANT TO DO!!!!!!!

Completed 25 hours of fasting.  Dinner mostly high fat and protein.

Monday, June 25, 2018

183 Days -- or -- 26 Weeks and 1 Days

Starting to put down thoughts and using the Blog to keep me accountable.  I'll list what I've done and what I need to do.  My goal is to lose 50 pounds by Dec 7th and I need to blog everyday to never loss sight of that goal.

I lifted Chest and Tricps.
Donna and I walked in the park for 30 minutes.
I fasted a little over 20 hours with one meal today.

Monday's I need to start weighing myself along with measurements.  Not this week